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Statistics/Research Methods Prerequisites

Examples of courses that satisfy the human anatomy/physiology prerequisite. Examples in the chart are only examples, not a limited list.

If your course is not on the pre-approved list and you would like it assessed, please open the chatbot and click “Prerequisites” then “Are my Courses Accepted?” and follow the prompts to submit your course for review. Please note that the pre-approved course assessment process is only available for courses taken at institutions in Canada or the USA. International prerequisite courses will only be assessed as part of your application after you have formally applied to the program.

University Course Code Course Name
Acadia University MATH1213 Elementary Statistics for Business and Behavioural Sciences 1
Acadia University MATH2243 Statistics for Life Sciences 2
Acadia University PSYC2013 Research Design and Analysis 1
Acadia University PSYC2023 Research Design and Analysis 2
Arizona State University SPA691 Statistics for Linguists
Athabasca University MATH215 Introduction to Statistics
Athabasca University PSYC304 Research Methods in Psychology
Athabasca University SOCI301 Social Statistics
Bishop’s University PHY101 Statistical Methods in Experimental Science
Brandon University 62:171 Introduction to Statistics
Brigham Young Univ STAT121 Principles of Statistics
Brock University CHYS2P51 Research Methods in Child and Youth Studies I
Brock University CHYS2P52 Research Methods in Child and Youth Studies II
Brock University CHYS3P10 Qualitative Research Methods in Child and Youth Studies
Brock University CHYS3P15 Quantitative Research Methods in Child and Youth Studies
Brock University HLSC2P07 Biostatistics I
Brock University HLSC2P27 Research Methods in Health
Brock University HLSC4P50 Research Methods in Epidemiology
Brock University KINE3P08 Quantitative Analysis
Brock University LING5P85 Research Issues and Methodology in Second Language Education
Brock University MATH1F92 Introductory Statistics
Brock University MATH1P98 Practical Statistics
Brock University PSYC2F23 Statistics and Research Design in the Behavioural Sciences
Brock University PSYC3P30 Critical Thinking in Psychology
Brock University PSYC3P39 Computer Data Analysis
Brock University STAT1P98 Practical Statistics
California State University Bakersfield CAFS4000 Introduction to Research Methods
Cape Breton University NRSG3501 Nursing Research
Carleton University CHST2003 Introduction to Research Methods in Childhood and Youth Studies
Carleton University ENST2005 Introduction to Qualitative Research
Carleton University ENST2006 Introduction to Quantitative Research
Carleton University HLTH2001 Health Research Methods and Skills
Carleton University LING4605 Psycholinguistic Research Methods
Carleton University LING4606 Statistics for Language Research
Carleton University NEUR2001 Introduction to Research Methods in Neuroscience
Carleton University NEUR2002 Introduction to Statistics in Neuroscience
Carleton University PSYC2001 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
Carleton University PSYC2002 Introduction to Statistics in Psychology
Carleton University PSYC3000 Design and Analysis in Psychological Research
Carleton University STAT2507 Introduction to Statistical Modeling I
Carleton University STAT2509 Introduction to Statistical Modeling II
Concordia University BIOL322 Biostatistics
Concordia University EDUC464 Research Methods in Child Studies
Concordia University EXCI310 Research Methods
Concordia University INTE296 Discover Statistics
Concordia University PSYC310 Research Methods and Designs I
Concordia University PSYC315 Statistical Analysis I
Concordia University PSYC316 Statistical Analysis II
Concordia University SOCI212 Statistics I
Concordia University SOCI213 Statistics II
Cornell Univ STSCI2100 Introductory Statistics
Dalhousie University MATH1060 Introductory Statistics for Science and Health Sciences
Dalhousie University PSYO2000 Methods in Experimental Psychology and Neuroscience
Dalhousie University PSYO2501 Statistical Methods I
Dalhousie University PSYO3502 Statistical Methods II
Dalhousie University STAT1060 Introductory Statistics for Science and Health Sciences
Dalhousie University STAT2080 Statistical Methods for Data Analysis and Inference
Lakehead University MATH0212 Quantitative Methods for the Health Scientist
Lakehead University MATH2310 Elementary Probability and Statistics
Laurentian University PSYC2127EL Scientific Method and Analysis II
Laurentian University STAT2126EL Introduction to Statistics
MacEwan University STAT151 Introduction to Applied Statistics
McGill University EDKP443 Research Methods
McGill University EDPE575 Statistics for Practitioners
McGill University EDPE602 Uses of Research Findings in Education
McGill University MATH203 Principles of Statistics 1
McGill University PSYC204 Introduction to Psychological Statistics
McGill University PSYC305 Statistics for Experimental Design
McMaster University ARTSSCI2R03 Applied Statistical Inference
McMaster University BIOLOGY3SA3 Applied Statistics for Biology
McMaster University ENVSOCTY3MB3 Data Analysis
McMaster University HRM702 Introduction to Biostatistics
McMaster University HTHSCI2G03 Statistics & Epidemiology 1
McMaster University HTHSCI2GG3 Statistics & Epidemiology 2
McMaster University HTHSCI2S03 Introduction to Statistics for Nursing
McMaster University HTHSCI3QA3 Qualitative Research Methods in Health
McMaster University HTHSCI3V03 Research and Experimental Design
McMaster University HUMBEHV3MD3 Research Methods for Applied Psychology in Human Behaviour
McMaster University HUMBEHV3ST3 Statistics for Applied Psychology in Human Behaviour
McMaster University IBEHS4C03 Statistical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
McMaster University INDIGST2M03 Indigenous Research Methods and Ethics
McMaster University LIFESCI2A03 Research Methods in Life Sciences
McMaster University LINGUIST2D03 Research Methods
McMaster University LINGUIST2DD3 Statistics for Language Research
McMaster University LINGUIST4D03 Computers and Linguistic Analysis
McMaster University PNB2XE3 Descriptive Statistics and Research Methods
McMaster University PNB3RM3 Research Methods
McMaster University PNB3XE3 Inferential Statistics and Research Methods
McMaster University POLSCI2NN3 Politics by Design
McMaster University POLSCI3NN3 Statistical Analysis of Primary Data
McMaster University SOCPSY2K03 Research Methods in Social Psychology
McMaster University SOCSCI2J03 Introduction to Statistics
McMaster University STATS2B03 Statistical Methods for Science
Memorial University of Newfoundland ED2900 Introduction to Statistics in Education
Memorial University of Newfoundland HKR4600 Introduction to Research
Memorial University of Newfoundland PSYC2910 Research Methods in Psychology I
Memorial University of Newfoundland PSYC2911 Research Methods in Psychology II
Memorial University of Newfoundland PSYC2920 Research Methods in Psychology for Non-Majors
Memorial University of Newfoundland PSYC3950 Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology III
Memorial University of Newfoundland SOCI3040 Quantitative Research Methods
Memorial University of Newfoundland STAT1510 Statistical Thinking and Concepts
Memorial University of Newfoundland STAT2500 Statistics for Business and Arts Students
Memorial University of Newfoundland STAT2550 Statistics for Science Students
Memorial University of Newfoundland STAT2560 Further Statistics for Science Students
Mount Allison University PSYC2001 Research Design & Analysis I
Mount Allison University PSYC3001 Advanced Design & Analysis
Mount Royal University HPED2030 Statistics and Research Methods
Mount Royal University MATH2233 Statistics for Biological Sciences
Mount Saint Vincent University MATH2208 Ready for Statistics?
Ontario Tech University HLSC3800U Introduction to Statistics for Health Sciences
Ontario Tech University HLSC3910U Research Methods for Health Care Professionals: Theory and Application
Ontario Tech University KINE2140U Research Methods
Queen’s University BIOL243 Introduction to Statistics
Queen’s University EPID301 Principles of Epidemiology
Queen’s University HLTH252 Introduction to Research Methods
Queen’s University HSCI270 Fundamentals of Health Research Methodology
Queen’s University KNPE251 Introduction to Statistics
Queen’s University LISC270 Fundamentals of Health Research Methodology
Queen’s University POLS285 Introduction to Statistics
Queen’s University PSYC202 Introduction to Statistics
Queen’s University PSYC203 Research Methods in Psychology
Queen’s University PSYC300 Advanced Experimental Psychology
Queen’s University PSYC301 Advanced Statistical Inference
Queen’s University SOCY210 Social Research Methods
Queen’s University SOCY211 Social Statistics
Queen’s University STAM200 Introduction to Statistics
Redeemer University HSC342 Inquiry of Issues in Health
Redeemer University MAT201 Statistics for Science
Saint Mary’s University MATH1216 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
Saint Mary’s University PSYC2020 Psychological Statistics
Simon Fraser University HSCI307 Research Methods in Health Sciences
Simon Fraser University PSYC201 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
Simon Fraser University PSYC210 Introduction to Data Analysis in Psychology
Simon Fraser University PSYC301 Intermediate Research Methods and Data Analysis
Simon Fraser University STAT101 Introduction to Statistics
St Francis Xavier University PSYC394 Advanced Statistics for Psychological Research
St Francis Xavier University STAT101 Introductory Statistics
Thompson Rivers University EDUC5011 Research Methods
Thompson Rivers University PSYC2111 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
Thompson Rivers University PSYCH2101 Statistics in the Social Sciences
Toronto Metropolitan University ACS401 Introduction to Research and Statistics
Toronto Metropolitan University BMS650 Experimental Design
Toronto Metropolitan University CLD322 Research I: Methods
Toronto Metropolitan University CHIM408 Statistics for Health Services Managers
Toronto Metropolitan University CMTH380 Probability and Statistics I
Toronto Metropolitan University CPSY411 Research Methods and Statistics I
Toronto Metropolitan University CQMS102 Business Statistics I
Toronto Metropolitan University CQMS210 Applied Statistics for Business
Toronto Metropolitan University CY8002 Child and Youth Care Research Methods
Toronto Metropolitan University CYC409 Social Research and Evaluation I
Toronto Metropolitan University CYC604 Social Research and Evaluation II
Toronto Metropolitan University FNR100 Introduction to Research and Statistics
Toronto Metropolitan University MTH380 Probability and Statistics I
Toronto Metropolitan University QMS210 Applied Statistics for Business
Toronto Metropolitan University SSH301 Research Design and Qualitative Methods
Trent University FRSC2020H Scientific Methodology Forensic Science
Trent University MATH1051H Non-Calculus Statistics I: Elementary Probability and Statistics
Trent University MATH1052H Non-Calculus Statistics II: Elementary Statistical Methods
Trent University PSYC2019H Basic Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology
Trent University PSYC3015Y Advanced Statistics and Research Design
Trent University SOCI3151H Practicing Social Research
Trinity Western University PSYC322 Research Methods
Tyndale University MATH121 Introduction to Statistics
Tyndale University PSYC360 Research Methods in the Social Sciences
Univ of Wyoming Laramie STAT2050 Fundamentals of Statistics
Universite de Montreal PSY1006 Méthodologie scientifique 1
Universite de Montreal PSY3204 Analyses quantitatives en psychologie 2
University of Alberta AUSTA215 Statistical Methods for the Natural Sciences
University of Alberta KIN109 Statistics, Measurement, and Evaluation
University of Alberta KIN209 Research Methods in Kinesiology
University of Alberta PSYCH212 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
University of Alberta PTHER352 Introductory Statistics for the Health Care Professions
University of Alberta STAT151 Introduction to Applied Statistics I
University of Alberta STAT252 Introduction to Applied Statistics II
University of British Columbia EPSE482 Introduction to Statistics for Research in Education
University of British Columbia FRST231 Introduction to Biometrics
University of British Columbia HES340 Methods of Data Analysis
University of British Columbia LING333 Research Methods for Linguistics
University of British Columbia PSYC217 Research Methods in Psychology
University of British Columbia PSYC218 Analysis of Behavioural Data
University of British Columbia PSYO271 Introduction to Data Analysis
University of British Columbia STAT200 Elementary Statistics for Applications
University of British Columbia STAT203 Statistical Methods
University of Calgary BIOL315 Quantitative Biology I
University of Calgary CORE435 Social Research in Disability, Health and Rehabilitation Disablement
University of Calgary MDSC308 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Research
University of Calgary MDSC407 Statistics and Research Design in Health Sciences
University of Calgary PSYC300 Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology I
University of Calgary PSYC301 Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology II
University of Calgary STAT205 Introduction to Statistical Inquiry
University of Calgary STAT213 Introduction to Statistics I
University of Calgary STAT327 Statistics for the Physical and Environmental Sciences
University of Guelph FRHD3070 Research Methods
University of Guelph POLS3650 Quantitative Methods of Data Analysis
University of Guelph POPM3240 Epidemiology
University of Guelph PSYC1010 Making Sense of Data in Psychological Research
University of Guelph PSYC2030 Research Methods in Psychology
University of Guelph PSYC2120 Quantification in Psychology I
University of Guelph PSYC2360 Psychological Methods and Statistics
University of Guelph PSYC3130 Psychological Measurement
University of Guelph PSYC3250 Psychological Measurement
University of Guelph PSYC3290 Conducting Statistical Analyses in Psychology
University of Guelph SCMA2040 Research Methods for Social Science
University of Guelph SCMA3040 Quantitative Methods for Social Science
University of Guelph SCMA3080 Statistics for Kinesiology
University of Guelph SOAN3120 Quantitative Methods
University of Guelph STAT2040 Statistics I
University of Guelph STAT2050 Statistics II
University of Guelph STAT2080 Introductory Applied Statistics I
University of Guelph STAT2090 Introductory Applied Statistics II
University of Lethbridge PSYC2030 Methods and Statistics
University of Lethbridge STAT1770 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
University of Lethbridge STAT2780 Statistical Inference
University of Manitoba PSYC2250 Introduction to Psychological Research
University of Manitoba PSYC2260 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
University of Manitoba STAT1000 Basic Statistical Analysis 1
University of New Brunswick PSYC2901 Introduction to Statistics for Psychologists
University of New Brunswick PSYC3113 Introduction to Statistical Inference in Experimental Psychology
University of New Brunswick STAT2263 Statistics for Non-Science Majors
University of Ottawa APA3381 Measurement and Data Analysis in Human Kinetics
University of Ottawa BIM4920 Séminaire I Évaluer la science / Seminar I Evaluating Science
University of Ottawa BIO4158 Applied Biostatistics
University of Ottawa HSS2381 Quantitative Methods in Health Sciences: Continuous Variables
University of Ottawa HSS2382 Quantitative Methods in Health Sciences: Categorical Variables
University of Ottawa HSS3101 Health Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches
University of Ottawa MAT2379 Introduction to Biostatistics
University of Ottawa PSY2106 Quantitative Methods in Psychology I
University of Ottawa PSY2116 Quantitative Methods in Psychology II
University of Ottawa PSY2174 Research Methods and Ethics
University of Ottawa PSY3307 Psychometric Methods
University of Ottawa SOC2150 Social Sciences and Research
University of Ottawa SOC2316 Survey Design and Quantitative Data Acquisition
University of Ottawa SOC3315 Qualitative Analysis
University of Prince Edward Island PSY2790 Statistics and Research Design II
University of Prince Edward Island STAT1210 Statistics
University of Regina PSYC204 Research Methods in Psychology
University of Regina PSYC405 Advanced Statistics in Psychology
University of Regina STAT200 Intermediate Statistics for Applications
University of Saskatchewan KIN380 Research Methods in Kinesiology
University of Saskatchewan PLCS214 Statistical Methods
University of Saskatchewan PSY233 Statistical Methods in Behavioural Sciences A
University of Saskatchewan PSY234 Statistical Methods in Behavioural Sciences B
University of Saskatchewan STAT244 Elementary Statistical Concepts
University of the Fraser Valley UFV PSYC202 Research Methods in Psychology
University of the Fraser Valley UFV STAT106 Statistics I
University of Toronto BIO259H5 Introduction to Biological Data
University of Toronto BIO360H5 Biometrics I
University of Toronto ECO220Y1 Introduction to Data Analysis and Applied Econometrics
University of Toronto GGR270H1 Introductory Analytical Methods
University of Toronto GGR271H1 Social Research Methods
University of Toronto GGR277H5 Social Research Methods in Geography
University of Toronto HLTB15H3 Health Research Methodology
University of Toronto HST250H1 Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Public Health
University of Toronto JLS476H1 Linguistics in the Workforce: Clinical Practice and Research
University of Toronto KPE291H1 Research Design and Evaluation: Quantitative Approaches
University of Toronto LIN305H1 Quantitative Methods in Linguistics
University of Toronto LIN318H5 Talking Numbers: Interpretation and Presentation of Quantitative Linguistic Data
University of Toronto LIN405H1 Advanced Quantitative Methods in Linguistics
University of Toronto LIN418H5 Research Methods in Linguistics
University of Toronto LINB29H3 Quantitative Methods in Linguistics
University of Toronto LIND29H3 Linguistic Research Methodologies
University of Toronto PSY201H1 Statistics I
University of Toronto PSY202H1 Statistics II
University of Toronto PSY202H5 Research Design and Analysis in Psychology II
University of Toronto PSYB07H3 Data Analysis in Psychology
University of Toronto PSYB70H3 Methods in Psychological Science
University of Toronto PSYC08H3 Advanced Data Analysis in Psychology
University of Toronto PSYC75H3 Cognitive Psychology Laboratory
University of Toronto SOC202H1 Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Sociology
University of Toronto SOC204H1 Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Sociology
University of Toronto SOC221H5 The Logic of Social Inquiry
University of Toronto SOC222H5 Measuring the Social World
University of Toronto SOC350H1 New Topics in Sociology
University of Toronto SOC387H5 Qualitative Analysis
University of Toronto STA215H5 Introduction to Applied Statistics
University of Toronto STA220H1 The Practice of Statistics I
University of Toronto STA288H1 Statistics and Scientific Inquiry in the Life Sciences
University of Toronto STAB22H3 Statistics I
University of Toronto STAB23H3 Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences
University of Victoria PSYC201 A Critical Approach to Research Methods in Psychology
University of Victoria PSYC300A Statistical Methods in Psychology I
University of Victoria STAT256 Statistics for Life Sciences II
University of Waterloo APPLS491R Special Topics – Research Methods in Applied Linguistics
University of Waterloo ARTS280 Statistics for Arts Students
University of Waterloo BIOL361 Biostatistics and Experimental Design
University of Waterloo HLTH204 Quantitative Approaches to Health Science
University of Waterloo HLTH333 Principles of Epidemiology
University of Waterloo HLTH344 Qualitative Methods for Health Research
University of Waterloo INTEG340 Research Design and Methods
University of Waterloo KIN222 Statistical Techniques Applied to Kinesiology
University of Waterloo KIN232 Research Design and Statistics
University of Waterloo LS280 Social Statistics
University of Waterloo PSYCH291 Basic Research Methods
University of Waterloo PSYCH292 Basic Data Analysis
University of Waterloo PSYCH390 Natural Science Advanced Research Methods Topics
University of Waterloo PSYCH391 Advanced Data Analysis
University of Waterloo REC371 Quantitative Data Analysis and Mobilization
University of Waterloo REC373 Qualitative Approaches to Leisure Research
University of Waterloo SDS250R Social Statistics
University of Waterloo SDS251R Social Research
University of Waterloo SOC280 Social Statistics
University of Waterloo SOC322 Field Research Methods
University of Waterloo STAT202 Introductory Statistics for Scientists
University of Waterloo STAT316 Introduction to Statistical Problem Solving
University of Windsor KINE2690 Measurement and Evaluation
University of Windsor KINE2700 Research Design
University of Windsor PSYC2300 Social Science Research Methods
University of Windsor PSYC3130 Advanced Statistics
University of Windsor SOSC2500 Basic Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences
University of Winnipeg PSYC2102 Intro to Research Methods
University of Winnipeg PSYC4100 Intermediate Research Design and Data Analysis
Vancouver Island University PSYCH204 Research Methods
Wayne State University WSU STA1020 Elementary Statistics
West Chester Univ of Pennsylvania MAT121 Introduction to Statistics I
Western University BIOL/STATS2244A Statistics for Science
Western University BIOL2290G Scientific Method in Biology
Western University DS1000 Data Science Concepts
Western University HEALTSCI2801A Research Methods in Health Sciences
Western University HEALTSCI3801B Research Methods and Analysis in the Health Sciences
Western University KINESOL2032 Research Design in Human Movement Science
Western University MEDSCIEN4930F Interdisciplinary Thinking and Research Literacy in Medical Sciences
Western University PSYCHOL2800E Research Methods in Psychology
Western University PSYCHOL2801F Research Methods in Psychology I
Western University PSYCHOL2810 Statistics for Psychology
Western University PSYCHOL2820E Research Methods and Statistical Analysis in Psychology
Western University PSYCHOL2830A Research in Psychology
Western University PSYCHOL2840F Research Methods in Psychology
Western University PSYCHOL2850A Statistics for Psychology I
Western University SOCIOLOG2205A Statistics for Sociology
Western University STATS1024A Introduction to Statistics
Western University STATS1024B Introduction to Statistics
Western University STATS2035 Statistical Science
Wilfrid Laurier University BF290 Academic Literacy: Social
Wilfrid Laurier University BU205 Introduction to Applied Statistics
Wilfrid Laurier University HE201 Research Methods for the Health Sciences
Wilfrid Laurier University KP290 Research Methods
Wilfrid Laurier University KP390 Inferential Statistics
Wilfrid Laurier University PS295 Introduction to Research Methods
Wilfrid Laurier University PS296 Introduction to Statistics
Wilfrid Laurier University PS394 Linear Models
Wilfrid Laurier University PS395 ANOVA Models
Wilfrid Laurier University ST231 Statistical Methods for Life and Health Sciences
Wilfrid Laurier University TH664I Qualitative Research
Wilfrid Laurier University YC201 Research Methods
Yeshiva Univ STAT1021 Introduction to Statistics
York University AP/CRIM2563 Research Methods in Criminology
York University AP/SOSC3993 Strategies Of Social Science Research
York University GL/MATH1610 Introduction to Statistical Methods I
York University HH/IHST2010 Methods and Approaches in Global Health
York University HH/KINE2049 Research Methods in Kinesiology
York University HH/KINE2050 Analysis of Data in Kinesiology I
York University HH/PSYC2020 Statistical Methods I and II
York University HH/PSYC2021 Statistical Methods I
York University HH/PSYC2022 Statistical Methods II
York University HH/PSYC2030 Introduction to Research Methods
York University HH/PSYC3010 Intermediate Research Methods
York University SC/BIOL2060 Statistics for Biologists
York University SC/BIOL2070 Research Methods in Cell and Molecular Biology
York University SC/BIOL2071 Research Methods in Cell and Molecular Biology
York University SC/MATH2565 Introduction to Applied Statistics